This new book must be characterized by evidence ofsuperb dissections by the author and his associates, by as fine photographs of whole embryos and sections as are obtainable and by excellent reproductions and assemblage by the publishers. There are so few publications on the mouse development that this will be a “ must” in every laboratory where this embryo is used in research or in teaching. Having said this in all sincerity, one must turn to the weaknesses of the book.
The title portrays the animal as The House Mouse, but it is a hybrid between the C57BL/6 and CBA
mice. The C57BL/6 is an excellent mouse for tumor research but appears to have more than the usual quota of inherent anomalies. While these anomalies would be masked by the ahlelomorphs from the CBA mice, one wonders whether such a laboratory hybrid is truly a “house mouse.” This reviewer would not be inclined to recommend using the house mouse for either research or teaching since it is probably a wild hybrid and would not necessarily constitute a good example of the species. The question can be raised, however, as to whether any hybrid can be considered
as representative of the mouse to be used in any laboratory, because of heterosis.